Motorsport News

Motorsport now closer to Vnuk exemption


A second key vote on an amendment to European insurance law has gone in favour of motorsport, moving it a step closer to being exempted from a directive.

The 2014 Vnuk court case set a precedent that all vehicles on private land – from lawnmowers to cars – must be insured.

But a key vote was won last month, when the internal market committee decided to exclude motorsport from the wording of the new Motor Insurance Directive – a document that acts as a guideline for EU member states to create their laws on vehicle insurance.

MEPS then voted on Wednesday and the European Parliament backed the amendment to exclude motorsport.

Conservati­ve MEP Dan Dalton, the son of a club motorsport volunteer, operates in the internal market committee and has been key in pushing through these changes.

“I am delighted that MEPS have agreed to exempt motorsport from the EU’S new motor insurance rules,” said Dalton.

“This vaguely worded proposal was totally unnecessar­y and has left teams, drivers and fans in the dark for months.

“I hope EU government­s and the European Commission will stick with what we have agreed in the European Parliament, which is a victory for common sense regulation.”

Now the process goes into a phase called trilogues, where the MEP responsibl­e for the law will then negotiate the exact wording of the text with the EU government­s and the European Commission.

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