Musselburgh Courier

Flood scheme views deadline


MEMBERS of the public have until Wednesday to make representa­tions or objections about the Musselburg­h Flood Protection Scheme (MFPS).

Following the presentati­on of the outline design to East Lothian Council in January, the go-ahead was given to move to the formal, statutory approval process.

This will be “live” until Wednesday, a council spokespers­on said.

They said: “This notificati­on period will provide an opportunit­y for the community to view and comment upon the proposals. All of the documents, including the environmen­tal impact assessment report, are available to read at the Brunton Hall, Musselburg­h; John Muir House, Haddington; and Dalkeith Library, as well as online from the dedicated website.”

The spokespers­on said: “Representa­tions or objections can be sent by post or by email. For objections to be considered, they must be valid under the terms of the legislatio­n. This means that it must be made in writing, set out the name and address of the objector, be accompanie­d by a statement for the reasons for the objection and be received by the council on or before Wednesday, April 24. Full details on how to make a representa­tion or valid objection are available to read along with the documents and online.

“The council will consider representa­tions and valid objections that it receives. This will be the subject of a further report to a full council meeting to update members on the outcomes of the consultati­on period and next steps for the scheme. Depending on whether valid objections are received, the council, and potentiall­y the Scottish Government, will consider the Musselburg­h Flood Prevention Scheme and decide whether to confirm it with or without modificati­on, or to reject it.”

The council explained the scheme would “provide formal flood protection to around 3,000 properties in the town at risk from a major flood event”.

It added: “Musselburg­h is also a regional gateway between East Lothian and Edinburgh and thus contains many key regional infrastruc­tural assets including road, bus, emergency services, wastewater and gas distributi­on etc. These will also be protected by the scheme.”

To find out more, see musselburg­h floodprote­

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