My Weekly Special


Hollywood star Chris Pine believes ever y year is the best year of your life, but looks back fondly at his teens in the 1990s


The 1990s were great for me because I never stopped learning, getting new experience­s and have a lot of fun,” said Chris.

The Star Trek and Spider-Man actor was born in August 1980 in Los Angeles and remembers the ’90s as the teenage years when he decided what he wanted to do with his life.

“One of my first ambitions was to defeat acne,” he said. “Few teenagers escape it and the trouble is you have one or two spots and it feels as if you have a plague of acne.

“For tunately I was not alone – most of my pals had the same problem and we could compare as we listened to all the great music, watched the great movies and played about.

“To be honest I knew what I wanted to do for a living from an early age, and the ’90s only made me all the more determined to do so.

“This was despite Dad (actor Rober t Pine) tr ying to put me of f. He and my mum and other members of the family were all actors and there was no way I was going to miss out on that. He was concerned that it would not make for a steady income, but I thought I would worr y about that later on. I considered being a spor t pro but at home ever yone was reading scripts all the time and I got to hang about movie sets so…

“At high school I was in plays and the more I did, the more I knew it was for me. Later I went to college and at the star t of the 2000s I spent a year studying in Leeds.

“Add in the 1990s TV and movie stars and I was well and truly hooked. Some people say that the golden age of movies was the 1930s but ever y decade has produced great movies, and the 1990s had its fair share.

“So many other things happened in the 1990s too. At the end of 1989 the Berlin Wall came down and we all thought that life was going to be so different. It all seemed to be going so well. Then we had the Gulf War and many other things went wrong in various par ts of the world. Wasn’t it good that we still had the movies to take our minds off things?”

 ?? ?? Chris spent a year in Leeds
The Berlin Wall fell
War broke out in the Gulf
Chris spent a year in Leeds The Berlin Wall fell War broke out in the Gulf

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