My Weekly

Why Do I Have These Strange Feelings?


Lately I’ve felt overwhelme­d by everything and feel like I’m struggling to cope with all the everyday concerns I usually take in my stride. I know I’m lucky to have a good job, lovely home, great friends and loving family, but that makes these feelings harder to understand. I know I need to pull myself together. What’s wrong with me?

n Most of us have times in our lives where we lose our way a bit. often it’s impossible to know why this happens – maybe issues at work or at home, problems with family and self-worth. Sometimes we just get tired with all the decisions we have to make on a daily basis and need to re-establish our energy and our joy in living. there is probably nothing wrong with you – this is just a low time. However, it’s important to have a basic health check with your Gp to make sure you’re in good shape physically. Low blood count, diabetes and low thyroid can cause the same effects but are easily ruled out by appropriat­e tests. When all the tests are normal the ball is back in your court. Getting back your energy, both physical and mental, requires some focus on your part. Exercise has many benefits – no matter how hard at times! – and it releases hormones that give you more mental energy. Joining a gym or going to classes may give you a lift. Can you take a break somewhere exciting to expose you to new experience­s and provide a new perspectiv­e? take up a new hobby or volunteer at a charity. How about a simple CD of some mind exercises, or a chat with a close friend? taking any action, big or small, will kick start change. You’re not alone but you do need to revitalise yourself. Good luck!

 ??  ?? It’s perfectly normal
It’s perfectly normal

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