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10 Ways to Turn Off Your Brain Before Bed


NO matter how physically drained you are, sometimes it can still be difficult to get to sleep because our brains are doing overtime. Stress and anxiety can cause a number of different sleep disorders including insomnia, but how do we switch off our brains to get some much-needed shut-eye?

Use Your Bed Only For Sleep

Activities such as reading and watching TV stimulate the brain yet tend to be things we do whilst lying in bed. Isolate these from the bedroom by doing them elsewhere in the house so when you do get in bed, your brain knows to shut off.

Power Down

Ban the use of gadgets and books immediatel­y before bed time. Leave yourself half an hour’s peace and quiet between activities and lights out to give your brain a chance to switch off.

Get Into A Routine

Easier than it sounds if you work odd shifts, but giving ourselves a regular lights-out time eventually hits home with our body clocks.

Write Down Your Thoughts

We often struggle to switch off because we are caught up with certain thoughts. The simple process of writing them down and returning to them in the morning can help clear your mind.

Have A Bed Time Ritual

A simple process of winding down; experiment and see which works for you. This can be anything from taking a shower to writing your diary, washing dishes to preparing tomorrow’s clothes.

Undertake Physical Activity

Physical exercise is proven to reduce anxiety, which is a common reason why we struggle to switch off at night. Undertakin­g a physical activity a couple of hours before bed is the best approach if you feel this is for you.

Distract Your Brain

There are lots of small mental exercises, which distract your brain from whatever current worries you have. Think about song lyrics or the functions on a home appliance for example.

Leave Work At Work

Work is one of the main causes of stress. You need to set a decent bumper between your bed time and when you leave work so you can relax and allow your mind to fully clear.

Look At Your Lifestyle

Consider what may be influencin­g your stress and anxiety. Think about caffeine and alcohol in take, work or family related issues and how you might be able to reduce them.

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