My Weekly

I’m Swamped By Bad News


Before my husband retired I used to listen to music on the radio during the day, but now he is home so much more, the television is on all the time and now I feel like I know far too much about what is going on in the world. With all these terrible things, I feel really sad and worried all the time. When did the world turn into such a bad place – and how can I help? etirement is such a great time of life for many of us, but the adjustment

Rdoes bring its own problems. For years you’ve lived part of your lives apart, and your husband will not necessaril­y know your patterns. Equally, you will not be used to his – and why should you be? – but it’s time to take stock of these difference­s, and talking it through will be a positive step.

Your chat will have to be approached without resentment, but telling him that the influx of 24-hour news in your home has become unsettling for you is perfectly reasonable – especially as you are being affected by the nature of some of the footage. Is there a way to meet in the middle? Perhaps by discussing current affairs together you may feel less overwhelme­d and find new ways to combat the feeling of powerlessn­ess. Maybe you both might become involved in charity work?

Equally he might come to appreciate the pleasure you derive from music if you invite him to enjoy some of your programmes. Adjusting from full-time work to leisure is a big step and needs to be done in stages. If you discuss this adjustment with respect and humour you will find your own balance.

There are different solutions. I know a couple who “do their own thing” in the week and then party at weekends. It’s up to you to find your balance.

Adjusting fromfull-timework to leisure is a big step and needs to be done in stages

 ??  ?? Now I feel worried all the time
Now I feel worried all the time

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