My Weekly


Snippets from readers’ emails, Facebook and Twitter


✦ “Seeing the feature Grand Day Out in Bath (No5364) brought back lovely memories of the 4 days we spent in Bath. The crescent houses are well worth a visit. Our tour guide informed us that a lot of people think this is where the famous scene in the musical Oliver was filmed. Apparently that is not so, but I think a lot of famous plays and films have been made there.” Christine

✦ “I was interested to read Aggie MacKenzie’s column (No5363) regarding outdoor mats. I only pay at most 25p for my front door mat. Carpet shops often have sample carpet pieces that are no longer needed and these fit perfectly outside my front door. My current one was completely free as my local carpet shop had a bundle in a box with a sign ‘please help yourself’.” Eileen

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