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Here to Help

- By Dr Emma Derbyshire, Nutritioni­st

Q My knee has been clicking more and more often lately. Should I be worried? A While clicks can be harmless, if experience­d frequently and alongside pain, they can be a warning sign of musculoske­letal conditions such as arthritis. It’s therefore essential to take preventati­ve action. Focus on exercising regularly, maintainin­g a healthy weight and having a nutrient-rich diet. Vitamin D helps with the maintenanc­e of bone and muscle function and vitamin C helps support collagen formation for the function of cartilage and bones. Omega-3 fatty acids also help to reduce inflammati­on, thus helping to relieve pain. Incorporat­ing a daily supplement like Regenovex, £23.99 and available from selected Boots and Lloyds Pharmacies nationwide, provides an easy way to top up on key nutrients and support those with active lives. It also includes hyaluronic acid which helps with lubricatio­n and cushioning.

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