My Weekly

Keeping Memory Active


Over 850,000 people live with dementia in the UK, so it’s likely that this disease will affect most of us at some stage. While we know that keeping active physically and mentally can help slow and delay the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, family, friends and carers often struggle to know what to actually do. That’s where The Memory Activity Book can help. It’s a very practical resource with over 50 ideas and projects designed to stimulate and entertain, helping to combat symptoms of dementia from memory loss to disorienta­tion. Activities include physical exercises, games, craft projects and leisure pursuits, as well as ideas on how best to interact with people affected by memory issues. The Memory Activity Book, £16.99, is available from WWW.DK.COM/UK/BOOKS/

Write to Helen Lederer at: Ask Helen, My Weekly, 2 Albert Square, Dundee DD1 1DD. Helen is unable to enter into private correspond­ence with readers.

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