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Immune Boosting Foods


We all know it’s important to eat our greens, but a mix of different fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, can be just as beneficial.

A nutrient-dense diet can help your body fight infection and stave off disease. Most essential nutrients support your immune system, so being short on any one of them is bad d news for your health. For some, that’ s a good reason to take a supplement, but the best way to increase your immunity is through a healthy diet.

A study by the British Geriatrics Society looked at white blood cell count in relation to antioxidan­t intake, and concluded that “dietary y antioxidan­ts, vitamins A, C and E, can improve aspects of cellmediat­ed immune function”. Their study on elderly patients demonstrat­ed that these vitamins boosted immunity. To top up your own levels of these important nutrients, choose colourful fruits and vegetables – they’re great sources of vitamins A and C. Enjoy nuts, seeds and leafy greens for their vitamin E content.

Healthy foods to boost your immune system include bright fruits, colourful vegetables, and dark leafy greens, like broccoli or spinach. Add garlic to your meal – it’s thought to improve both your cardiovasc­ular health and your immunity.

Aim for at least seven portions of fruit and veg a day to help you fight off potential invaders. Include fresh produce in every meal. You’ll probably lose excess weight too!

Eat salad and raw vegetables f requently, because cooking food destroys d some of the nutrients. Also, make m sure you have a source of omega o 3 in your diet, as this is im mportant for optimal immunity. You’ll Y find omega 3 in walnuts, soya, s oily fish, hemp oil and ground g flaxseed.

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