My Weekly

Anthea Turn er



Do you have moans that never go away? Sometimes you verbalise them, other times you keep them to yourself, but they sit there, festering away, permanentl­y on loop and annoying the life out of you.

Last week instead of chuntering I decided to write them down and see if little old me could fix a few things.

Top of my list is rubbish. I can’t bear going to the communal bins and seeing the lack of recycling. You’d have to live in a hole not to be blatantly aware of the hideous situation waste around the world is causing our planet but what we should all be campaignin­g against is why so much packaging is in our lives in the first place. I might not be in charge of the world but I am totally in control of my household, so I tweaked our buying choices and to further make my point sent pertinent emails off to a selection of supermarke­ts and product companies.

Next on the list: balconies. Why do people lucky enough to have this treasured outdoor space treat it like a shed without walls, forcing the rest of us to feast our eyes on their mess? In my block there are four perpetrato­rs of this crime so instead of looking on in disgust and sadness, I contacted our management company. Like a dog with a bone, I won’t give in now until

the problem is fixed.

I’ll share one more with you and it’s on the same lines: street litter, weeds and old roadwork debris. Do the people in control ever drive around their own flipping patch? I honed in on a particular mess which has been bugging me for some time. I went through a few hoops to find the right council department, verbally made my complaint/ suggestion with a follow up email and yesterday – zap, the debris had disappeare­d! Still a way to go on weeds and litter, but it’s a start.

My point is, you might think no one is interested in you having a moan but there’s power in your buying decisions and suggestion­s. That’s why My Weekly is looking at eco-friendly solutions for delivering subscriber copies and will make an announceme­nt very soon – so watch this space! I now just need to fix the UK economy and find a vaccine for

Covid-19 and then I’m done… Love, Anthea X

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