My Weekly

Bright Ideas!


Hello, I’m finally back from holiday and now doing those coming home rituals: a proper cup of tea, plant check, etc. I like to return from any trip to a calm house, so before travelling I run round like a crazy woman making sure everything is clean and tidy, because who wants to open the door to chaos? Not me!

I spoke last week about how I hold onto summer until the very end, only discarding my flip flops when my feet turn blue with cold. But I can’t deny, as I put away my colour ful holiday clothes, that I’m looking forward to pulling out a few autumnal tones which, for the short while I have it, will look good on my light tan, gained through a shroud of Factor 50.


I’m not sure I get ready for autumn, it’s more of a gradual transition – the need for warmer layers, and the thought of soup sounds like a good idea. Our emotions react to colour and I love with a passion the four to six precious weeks we have when the trees turn from green through to red. I even catch myself praying the weather department keeps the wind setting on low so (like spring blossom) we keep them for as long as possible. Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a country that doesn’t have distinct seasons? They punctuate our life, from our lifestyle and wardrobe choices, to events and our conversati­on. So let’s savour and enjoy all of them, even on a drizzly cold day – because without them we’d all have terrible wrinkles!


On that subject I want to introduce you to a product I’ve tried and tested. It’s well documented now that to hold onto our youthful bloom a good ever yday SPF 30 – 50 is essential and this one I’m obsessed with because:

1. It’s not like Tipp-ex

2. It’s inexpensiv­e

3. It doesn’t mark clothes 4. It can be worn under your makeup

5. It raises money for a good cause

Altruist is created by Kent based skin cancer specialist and Consultant Dermatolog­ist Dr Andrew Birnie to reduce the trauma of Africans born with Albinism. The sun for Albinos is cruel, and with no protection due to poverty and a lack of education, many die a horrific death from skin cancer or attacks from witchcraft practition­ers. Check out their website ALTRUISTSU­N.COM and I promise you, this is the sun cream you will always have in your cupboard to use even on a dull day in Britain.

Love, Anthea X

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