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Peach Tarts With Passion Fruit Coulis


INGREDIENT­S (Serves 2) For the pastry cases:

❤ 50g plain flour

❤ 25g ground almonds ❤ 2tsp caster sugar ❤ 40g butter, diced

❤ 2-3 drops almond essence

For the filling:

❤ 75g mascarpone ❤ 2tsp caster sugar ❤ 75ml double cream ❤ 1tbsp peach schnapps

For the topping:

❤ 1tbsp flaked almonds ❤ 2 ripe peaches, sliced ❤ 1tbsp peach or apricot


For the coulis:

❤ 1 large passion fruit ❤ 2tbsp orange juice ❤ Mint sprigs, to decorate, optional


Place the flour, ground almonds and sugar in a bowl. Add the butter and rub in until it forms fine breadcrumb­s. Stir in the almond essence and sufficient water, about 2tsp, to mix together. Turn out on to a lightly floured surface and knead lightly, until smooth. Wrap in cling-film and chill for 30min.


Preheat the oven to 190C, Fan 170C,

Gas 5. Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface and cut out two 13cm circles. Use to line two 8cm base 10cm top individual loose based tart tins.

Prick the bases. Line with baking parchment and baking beans.


Bake blind for 18min, until golden, removing the beans and paper for the last 5min. Place the almonds, for the topping, on a small baking tray and add to the oven for the last 5min. Leave pastry cases and almonds to cool.


Just before serving, put the mascarpone cheese and sugar in a bowl and mix together until creamy. Beat in the cream and peach schnapps until it forms soft peaks. Spoon into the tart cases. Top with peach slices. Gently heat the jam in a small pan with 1tsp water. Drizzle over the peaches. Sprinkle with the almonds.


To serve, scoop the flesh from the passion fruit and mix with the orange juice. Divide between two plates and place a tart in the centre of each. Decorate each with a sprig of fresh mint, if wished and serve.

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