Newbury Weekly News

Gerald Theodore Washbrook 1937 - 2020


GERALD was known to most people as ‘Gerry’. He was born in Oxford on November 11, 1937, the anniversar­y of Armistice day, into a loving family.

He enjoyed a good childhood and education.

His father, a blacksmith by trade, taught his son many skills which served him well, giving him a love and ability for DIY in later life.

He served an apprentice­ship in ironmonger­y and hardware prior to his National Service in the Royal Air Force which interrupte­d life for a while. On demobilisa­tion, he worked in the ironmonger­y and hardware trade in Oxford and Reading. While on National Service in the RAF, he met “the girl of his dreams” (his words), a junior nurse in the Women’s Royal Airforce, and they married in 1960.

A good marriage, in time becoming a proud and much-loved dad, grandad and great-grandad. Always community minded, Gerry served time as a volunteer Special Police Constable in the Thames Valley force.

As a family man, a career change was decided, making a move to Essex and becoming a shop owner in the newspaper and confection­ary trade.

Later, after much thought, they decided to move to Thatcham. They bought a small business and ‘Gerry’s Shoppe’ (now known as Henwick News) with newspaper rounds was establishe­d.

Gerry suffered several health events, culminatin­g in a heart attack, forcing a change of employment, working again for the RAF within the Thatcham Army depot.

Their military background led both to join The Royal British Legion.

Gerry became a valued branch member, in Essex and then Thatcham, serving on committees etc.

He became the Thatcham Area Poppy organiser for 20 years then served as a county recruiting officer.

Gerry was not one to seek the limelight, simply getting on with whatever needed doing and he could usually be found helping at events.

He was always keen to promote Thatcham branch within the community, giving talks at schools, Scouts and Brownies. Gerry was awarded the Royal British Legion Gold Badge, a highly appreciate­d honour. He and Daphne had anticipate­d celebratin­g their diamond wedding in August 2020, but it was not to be,

His bone marrow stopped working and then cancer took him.

It’s a year since this lovely, much-respected man left us with a big hole in the lives of his family and many friends, but also with many lovely memories.

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