Newbury Weekly News

Rest for your souls


INTO today’s increasing­ly stress and fear-filled world; what difference can walking with Jesus make?

In Matthew 11:28–30 we see how Jesus calls us to Himself saying: “Come to Me.”

Giving time each day to worship, prayer and allowing Him to speak His Word is key to this. He calls us to take His yoke upon us.

In Jesus’ day, a yoke, would normally be of two oxen walking together to plough a field.

It was vital they worked in tandem otherwise the furrow wouldn’t be in a straight line.

As we spend time with Him we learn what His yoke means for us individual­ly.

It’s so easy in life to try too hard becoming overburden­ed and simply doing too much, losing our inner peace at the same time.

His yoke is easy, His burden is light.

As we walk close to Him we find rest deep within ourselves.

We discover His character and nature.

He is ‘gentle and lowly in heart’.

He doesn’t impose Himself on us.

Like shepherds in the Middle East, He moves ahead of the sheep, inviting us to follow.

He speaks with that ‘still small voice’ gently pointing the way forward.

Twice here Jesus shares the outcome of walking with Him and wearing His yoke in our daily lives, ‘rest for your souls’ (Matt 11:28,29).

Jesus doesn’t just want us as His labourers, He wants us to know His inner rest and peace. He wants us to reflect Him not only in the work we do, but to carry His inner calm and peace.

As we transition into the ‘new normal’ in the days ahead, may we all learn to come to Him afresh and know His unique soul rest deep in our hearts.


Kennet Christian Centre, Newbury

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