Newbury Weekly News

Traveller site plan rejected by council

Greenfield developmen­t would set a ‘worrying’ precedent

- By MIREK GOSNEY mirek.gosney@newburynew­ @mirekg_nwn

WEST Berkshire Council (WBC) has put a stop to a contentiou­s planning saga at Brimpton Common – for now.

On Saturday, March 23, police were called to resolve a civil dispute after one individual blocked another from moving a caravan onto land they owned – the former claiming they did not have planning permission.

A spokespers­on for Thames Valley Police said: “Officers were called to a road in Brimpton Common following an issue over a caravan being moved on to land.

“It appears the disturbanc­e related to a civil dispute.

“Officers attended to prevent a breach of the peace.”

The incident concerned a planning applicatio­n submitted by the landowner, Mr J Slater, in December to convert an existing paddock, situated between Brimpton Lane and Blacknest Lane, into a gypsy/traveller camp accommodat­ing a mobile home, touring caravan and one dayroom.

But WBC has since refused the applicatio­n.

Explaining its decision – announced on Thursday – it said: “The applicatio­n is contrary to the advice in the West Berkshire Core Strategy 20062026 as it lies on a greenfield site outside any defined settlement boundary and does not meet any identified need or assist the local rural economy.”

It acknowledg­ed while approving the applicatio­n would reduce its current shortfall of gypsy/traveller site pitches in the short term, it said this was outweighed by the harm the developmen­t would cause.

Brimpton Parish Council also strongly objected to the proposal on numerous counts, including the insufficie­nt drainage details supplied, the site’s proximity to a busy road and its lack of access to electricit­y and fresh water.

It also felt its location inside the Detailed Emergency Planning Zone (DEPZ) of AWE contradict­ed public safety and emergency planning requiremen­ts.

It said: “The current owners have illegally removed a field hedge and constructe­d a gateway where none previously existed.

“WBC is aware of this breach and has attempted to prevent it with a stop notice [in November] which has been ignored by the owners.

“This illegal gateway must be removed and the hedge reinstated.”

It continued: “If this proposal were granted, it would set a worrying precedent and encourage further unsuitable developmen­t in this field, against the agreed policies of the WBC Local Plan and the Brimpton Village Design Statement.”

BPC chairman John Hicks added: “The saga of the planning applicatio­ns at Blacknest Field has been running for some months.

“It isn’t an exaggerati­on to say that, as nine plots are involved and with the scope for applicatio­ns and appeals, it may be years before this is settled.

“The plot owner has the right of appeal and in view of the mobile home which is already on site, it must be likely he will do so.

“We are aware a second applicatio­n that covers two plots has now been submitted.

“The parish council has yet to be asked to comment on this.”

The issue was the main item up for discussion at the parish council meeting on Tuesday.

Mr Hicks said: “To call it contentiou­s is to underplay the depth of concern.”

It isn’t an exaggerati­on to say that, as nine plots are involved and with the scope for applicatio­ns and appeals, it may be years before this is settled

 ?? ?? The site of the proposal
The site of the proposal

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