North Wales Weekly News

Tributes to the Gallipoli ‘Quarry Boys’


FIRST Minister Carwyn Jones has paid a poignant tribute to the Quarry Boys of Penmaenmaw­r who served in the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign 100 years ago.

A moving service of commemorat­ion for the Welsh at the Turkish battle took place at The Drill Hall in the town. It was attended by a host of dignitarie­s, wreaths were laid, the Last Post was sounded and a two minute silence was held.

They were there to pay tribute to the 120 young men who volunteere­d to serve in the First World War.

An exhibition dedicated to the sacrifices made by Welsh servicemen is now on display at the Maen Alaw Community Centre before moving to Penmaenmaw­r Museum. It depicts the heroic efforts made Welshmen at the ill-fated operation in 1915. It focuses on telling the story of the Penmaenmaw­r ‘Quarry Boys’ who took part in the campaign and were part of the battalion who landed at Suvla Bay.

Retired lecturer Anne Pedley carried out the research for the exhibition and she said: “120 quarry boys signed up to become part of the 6th Battalion Royal Welch Fusiliers. When war broke out they were told to prepare for the Front.

“They thought they were going to France but ended up being issued with tropical kit and being sent to Alexandria in Egypt. The whole campaign was a total failure. Because of their tropical kit many froze to death in the trenches, and many more suffered from frostbite.

“Two brothers died, including the quarry manager called Augustus Wheeler was killed who had four children under five.”

Jane Stacey, from Prestatyn, attended the service to pay tribute to Major Wheeler, her grandfathe­r.

“My grandmothe­r was left with two boys and two girls all under five,” she said, “I’m very proud to be here today, but it has been very emotional there was so much loss for so very little.”

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