North Wales Weekly News

I’ll kill you, former soldier told cops ‘Suicidial’ man who dialled 999 for help given ‘last chance’


ADRUNK ex-soldier who threatened to kill police officers after calling 999 for help has been given a “last chance”.

Ian Murselovic, 44, pleaded guilty to affray after contacting emergency services at 8.15pm on May 2 this year.

Prosecutor Owen Edwards told Caernarfon Crown Court: “He called the ambulance saying he was suicidal. He also said he had guns and knives and that he was feeling violent.”

Mr Edwards described Murselovic, of Station Road, Old Colwyn, as “a largebuilt ex-soldier with mental health issues”.

One of two policemen who attended his flat said he knew him and initially thought he could help “calm him down”.

When they entered they saw an empty vodka bottle and Murselovic “drew a line across his throat”, saying he wanted to end his life.

Murselovic then went into his kitchen and took out a knife with a four-inch blade and threatened the police officers saying: “I’ll kill you’se.”

Mr Edwards said the officers asked him to drop the knife, and when he refused they had to Taser him. He said both thought their lives were “in danger”.

Mr Edwards said Murselovic received a previous conviction last year after he became drunk and urinated on the floor at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd “when people were trying to help him”. He also assaulted two police officers in 2013.

Michael Whitty, defending, said despite it not working the first time, Murselovic wanted to try detox again.

Recorder Simon Mills said: “I am sorely tempted to lock this man up. He’s caused a great deal of fear and distress.

“This is your last chance today. In the past you have served your country and had post-traumatic stress disorder. You are an alcoholic.”

He said Murselovic had behaved “abysmally” towards nurses, social workers, paramedics, police and others.

The judge said: “You threatened to kill two police officers. The officers thought genuinely that their lives were at risk.”

He said not only could Murselovic not remember what he had done, he could neither remember being Tasered with “10,000 volts” going through his body.

The judge said police officers and public servants were entitled to know that behaviour like this would not be tolerated by the courts. Sentencing Murselovic to 10 months imprisonme­nt suspended for two years, the judge said: “You have got to stay out of trouble.”

He was also handed a supervisio­n order and a three-year criminal behaviour order not to use foul language, abuse and threatenin­g behaviour towards others, including social and health workers, NHS and emergency services.

The judge said he would be breaking the order if he called 999 again without any need to. He said: “The next time you are drunk, if you go to that phone to phone them, I strongly advise you, ‘don’t do it’.”

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