North Wales Weekly News

Gary sets off on 1,000mile ride around Iceland in memory of his friend


GARY Mahon is taking on an Icelandic Challenge in memory of his childhood friend.

Today (Thursday), Gary will be setting off on a 1,000-mile, unsupporte­d cycle around Iceland to raise money for the British Heart Foundation.

The date marks the first anniversar­y of the death of his friend James Usher, who sadly passed away without warning. in 2014.

Gary grew up in Old Colwyn, with James living just down the road from him, next door to Gary’s cousins. Gary said “We all used to spend the evenings and weekends playing games outside and hav- ing fun, he was a great lad and I will always remember him as being very happy and mischievou­s. He is very much missed by his family and friends.”

33-year-old Gary hopes to complete the challenge in around three weeks, however getting back in the saddle has been a bit of a challenge in itself! “I have been training for the past six months; it has been a very steep learning curve. Before I came up with this idea, I hadn’t spent anytime on a bike for many years, I didn’t even own one! Now thankfully I have many hours of training in the saddle, and a bike and trailer that I am hoping will do the trick!

“I am not really what you would call a natural cyclist, but I wanted to set myself something right on the edge of what is possible for me.”

Gary lives in Colwyn Bay with his wife Joanna and their daughter Aurora who turned two last weekend.

“Jo has been very supportive, and Aurora has got used to seeing me on my bike. Whenever Jo says ‘Daddy’s not here’ Aurora just smiles and says ‘Bike!’ I will be very sad to leave them but I really wanted to do something positive after what happened.”

Cycling 1,000 miles unsupporte­d is a challenge in itself, so why did Gary decide to cycle around Iceland?

“We travelled to Iceland in 2010, which is where I proposed to Jo. Ever since I have been thinking it would be a great place for a challenge like this.”

“I am funding the trip myself so every single penny donated will go to the charity.

“I would like to say a big thank you to West End Cycles in Llandudno Junction. They have very kindly offered to give my bike a full service free of charge and even provide me with a few supplies to help me tackle any issue I may face along the way, which really will be a huge help.”

Gary has the trailer, loaded with 10kg, attached to his bike when training, and rides over varied and steep terrain, helping to build up his stamina, cycling 62 miles on a recent ride.

“I did a hiking challenge in 2007 for Wateraid. 200 miles from North to South Wales on the Offa’s Dyke path. It took nine days to complete, (and raised £1,200) but I think it would be fair to say that this challenge will be stepping it up a notch!”

 ??  ?? Gary Mahon is doing a 1000-mile, unsupporte­d ride around Iceland
Gary Mahon is doing a 1000-mile, unsupporte­d ride around Iceland

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