Nottingham Post

U-boat victims remembered


- By JOE LOCKER newsdesk@nottingham­

A WAR grave has been rededicate­d to commemorat­e the Nottingham­shire men who died in an attack on the RMS Leinster.

On the morning of October 10, 1918, a German U-boat fired two torpedoes at the Royal Mail steam ship in the Irish Sea, sinking it and killing more than 500 of its 771 crew and passengers.

The original headstone, located just off Mansfield Road, in Nottingham’s Rock Cemetery, marks the resting-place of Lace Market worker Charles Frederick Daft and his son, who had the same Christian names. It also commemorat­es three other Nottingham­shire men killed in the sinking - Private William Herbert Hutchinson, Alfred Ford and Lieutenant Thomas Walter Harrison.

To mark the centenary of the tragedy, Nottingham Civic Society decided to restore the headstone, which had deteriorat­ed and collapsed.

Fiona Hutchinson, 58, of Worksop, was at the ceremony to remember her greatuncle, Private Hutchinson, who was born in 1893 and lived in Willersley Street in Nottingham. She said: “This happened such a long time ago but it’s so important. It’s my family history, the area’s history. “William was only identified from the letters they found in his front pocket, letters he was going to send to his family.

“He’s buried in the Isle of Man, where he washed ashore, but he’s commemorat­ed in Wilford.”

At 11am on Wednesday, October 10, wreaths were laid and the Last Post sounded as members of the civic society, the Lord Mayor of Nottingham and the Catholic Bishop of Nottingham, the Rt Rev Patrick Mckinney, paid tribute.

The ceremony coincided with a one in Ireland, at the ship’s port of Dun Laoghaire, where it departed on its final voyage.

Hilary Silvester, chairwoman of the civic society, spoke of the importance of restoring the headstone and commemorat­ing those who died.

She said: “The civic society paid £500 to restore the headstone. We’re reminding people of the city’s past and what war can do to all of us.

“It’s a memorial for all those who died and it’s something that is so important for people like Fiona and the Irish community.

Kevin Powell, heritage organiser for the society, also acknowledg­ed the German U-boat sailors, who died nine days later when their vessel hit a mine.

Lord Mayor Councillor Liaqat Ali added: “This is a reminder of the lasting effect of war and we are grateful to the civic society for the restoratio­n of the headstone.”

We’re reminding people of the city’s past and what war can do to all of us

Hilary Sylvester

 ?? PICTURE: ANGELA WARD ?? The Bishop of Nottm Patrick Mckinney; Lord Mayor of Nottm Liaqat Ali; Hilary Silvester, Nottm Civic Society; Tom Huggins, Deputy Lord Lieutenant and Kevin Powell, Nottm Civic Society at the rededicati­on
PICTURE: ANGELA WARD The Bishop of Nottm Patrick Mckinney; Lord Mayor of Nottm Liaqat Ali; Hilary Silvester, Nottm Civic Society; Tom Huggins, Deputy Lord Lieutenant and Kevin Powell, Nottm Civic Society at the rededicati­on
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