Nottingham Post

Why do we need a suicide prevention minister?


IT’S a poor reflection on current psychiatri­c practice that a Suicide Prevention Minister has to be appointed by the Prime Minister to tackle the situation. Such an appointmen­t begs the question: what are psychiatri­sts doing with the large amounts of public funding that are supposed to be for those in need of assistance and for those who may be thinking of taking their own lives?

One possible answer revolves around the psychiatri­c treatments themselves. Psychiatri­sts have been prescribin­g psychiatri­c drugs in copious amounts for decades, drugs that are known to cause violence, aggression and yes, suicide thoughts and suicidal behaviour. Patient Informatio­n Leaflets for all antidepres­sants have carried warnings about the dangers of the drugs since 2008 but despite these warnings, prescripti­on rates have continued to go up.

In 2017, 67.5 million antidepres­sant prescripti­on items were dispensed in England compared to 22 million in 2000. The cost of antidepres­sant drugs over that period was £5.2 billion. That’s a massive cost to taxpayers. But for what? It’s been said before but it needs to be said again – that’s good business for drug manufactur­ers but its bad medicine.

Psychiatri­sts however blame the person’s mental troubles, pointing to the manufactur­ed mental illness or psychiatri­c label as the reason for the suicide. This is an attempt to avoid responsibi­lity for having authorised the use of a mind-altering drug known to have potentiall­y serious consequenc­es. It is a travesty of justice that they have been able to get away with this operating basis for so long. The Suicide Prevention Minister should know that over a 25-year period, there were 19,943 drug poisoning deaths related to benzodiaze­pine drugs, antipsycho­tic drugs and antidepres­sants.

If one of the new Minister’s functions is to help remove the stigma surroundin­g suicide, it would also be helpful to ensure people are fully informed before they start taking psychiatri­c drugs.

Having the opportunit­y to make a fully informed choice could lead to people making different decisions, which may ultimately have an impact on suicide figures. It would also be worthwhile if the Minister looked into how public funds are being spent by the mental health sector. If psychiatri­sts are supposed to be helping people who are suffering with mental troubles, they are failing.

Brian Daniels National Spokespers­on Citizens Commission on Human

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