Nottingham Post

Dorothy up and about after knee op at age of 100



A 100-YEAR-OLD Mansfield woman is thought to be one of the oldest patients in the country to have had a knee replacemen­t.

Dorothy Crawthorne has undergone her second knee replacemen­t – her first being at the age of 98.

The Sherwood Forest Hospitals patient now aims to be able to walk independen­tly again in the next few months.

“I couldn’t get around at all by myself before but now that I have had the operations, it has made me feel more confident and steady on my feet,” she said.

She still does all her own housework and says she does not need any help because she doesn’t feel “old”.

She uses a mobility scooter to get about on but her aim is to get to the shops opposite her house without it.

“I do walk about a lot in the house, so I’m grateful to the hospital for what they have done,” said.

“I was unsure on my feet before the operation and I didn’t feel safe walking but I even managed to walk down to the ambulance myself to get to my hospital appointmen­t.

“I think I surprised the drivers who had come to pick me up.”

Consultant orthopaedi­c surgeon Sachin Badhe said: “I am pleased to say that Dorothy is recovering well after a real team effort to get her back on her feet.

“The physiother­apy team has been excellent, along with the nursing staff who cared for her whilst she was on the ward. Thanks to their help and dedication, Dorothy was able to go home just two days after her operation.

“It is brilliant that we have been able to improve her quality of life by carrying out her knee operations.

“After weighing up the risks and benefits for Dorothy, we decided that the surgery was possible, as she is in such good health and clearly relies on her mobility.

“I hope that the knee replacemen­t we have done will give Dorothy a new lease of life and will allow her to live independen­tly again.” Dorothy added: “They have done a really good job at the hospital. I feel much better now and I am not in pain.”

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Dorothy Crawthorne with surgeon Sachin Badhe
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