Nottingham Post



CLOVE OIL: A couple of drops applied directly to the sore spot works fast thanks to eugenol – a natural anaestheti­c and antibacter­ial – which can also reduce inflammati­on in the mouth. The oil is usually easy to pick up but if you can’t find the liquid try biting on a whole clove to release the oil near the tooth that hurts. COLD COMPRESS: Pressing your cheek against something cold is an easy way to find relief. A couple of icecubes in a cloth, placed against the outside of the affected cheek for 10 minutes constrict blood vessels.

For more localised relief, try freezing slices of potato and slotting them against the sensitive area.

SALT WATER RINSE: Salt is a natural disinfecta­nt and anti-inflammato­ry. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water and rinse around the mouth for two minutes – helpful if your teeth are too sore to brush. GARLIC: Garlic contains ‘allicin’, a natural antibacter­ial and anaestheti­c. Chew a clove near where you’re feeling toothache.

GUAVA LEAVES: Not readily available, but the anti-inflammato­ry properties can help heal wounds, and their antimicrob­ial action can keep your mouth bacteria free. Chew fresh leaves or pulp them and steep in boiling water to create a natural mouthwash – cool before use.

Once the pain is under control you should visit the dentist to check the underlying cause.

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