Nottingham Post

‘Disappoint­ing but not unexpected’

- By ANDREW TOPPING @Atoppingjo­urno

POLITICIAN­S in north Nottingham­shire have responded with “frustratio­n” and “disappoint­ment” to news that the county will be placed back into Tier Three restrictio­ns.

The Government confirmed yesterday that the city and county will move into the “very high alert” level from December 2, when the national lockdown comes to an end.

Mansfield, Ashfield and Bassetlaw have had the highest rates in the county in recent weeks, but these rates had been falling over the last few days.

Mansfield’s MP Ben Bradley said:

“It’s obviously frustratin­g to be in the highest level, but it’s not at all unexpected and I don’t think many residents will be surprised.

“The idea is of course that we can reduce restrictio­ns in the weeks ahead, with reviews every two weeks, before rolling out vaccinatio­ns and ending them altogether in the spring.

“For now it’s really important we follow the rules, frustratin­g though they may be, and that we do our best to stay safe.

“There is clear light at the end of the tunnel now with mass testing and vaccinatio­ns coming very soon.” Ashfield’s MP Lee Anderson said: “I’m disappoint­ed, but it’s not unexpected. Although the figures have come down in the city they have increased in places like Bassetlaw. My real concern is for our hospitalit­y industry, especially our wet pubs, and I will be pushing the Government to ensure that the small micro pubs get the support they need to survive. It’s vital we make sure we support this industry.

“November and December are their best time of year, when they make their money, so we need to wrap our arms around them and give them the support, which I think we will.

“There are some positives – shops are opening and venues can open – but we must think about the smaller industries that rely on footfall, and that’s my real concern at the moment.

“Another positive, if you look at the example of Liverpool when they were in Tier Three, they did mass testing which actually meant more people isolated and, as a consequenc­e, the rates have come down.

“But it’s been an awful year, it’s spoilt everybody’s lives and livelihood­s, and I just hope we get out as soon as possible.”

Councillor Jason Zadrozny, leader of Ashfield District Council, added: “Of course, it’s extremely disappoint­ing to go back into a stricter Tier Three lockdown.

“This is devastatin­g – especially for our hospitalit­y sector. Many pubs and restaurant­s will be pubs and restaurant­s only in name. We are awaiting the detail on financial support for the hospitalit­y sector.

“At no point has the Government sought the views of council leaders in Nottingham­shire. We were hopeful that due to rates dropping – our county would have been in Tier Two – so it’s disappoint­ing news.

“I welcome the fact that our status as a ‘very high alert’ area will be reviewed every two weeks. Ashfield District Council will continue to provide all key services for residents. We will continue to offer support and assistance for those who live on their own and the most vulnerable.”

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