Nottingham Post

Agonising ordeal for man wedged between two cars


- By ANDREW TOPPING @Atoppingjo­urno

A MAN has described his agonising ordeal after getting wedged between two cars, suffering severe bruising to his legs.

Adam Colley got trapped between the cars outside his home in George Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, at around 5.50pm on March 10.

The 33-year-old, who works at Timpson’s in Forest Town, was taken to hospital via ambulance after suffering severe leg injuries including heavy bruising.

The cobbler says the incident occurred after he asked for a car to be moved outside his home, before becoming wedged between the vehicles.

It has left him struggling to walk and taking a number of different pain relief tablets to cope.

He told the Post: “I’d just come back from seeing my partner’s mum and dad, and I’d asked for the car to be moved.

“As it was pulled forward, it went into my knees.

“It then happened again, so my legs were caught twice.

“I couldn’t believe at the time that it had happened.

“I was taken to hospital by an ambulance with two lovely ladies, and I’ve got badly bruised knees, calves and shins.

“I’m on Zapain codeine tablets for the pain, which I have to take every four hours, and I’ve been taking pictures of my legs every day to monitor the bruising.

“The worst part about it for me is that I’ve got a nine-month-old daughter and I was running around with her a lot.

“I’ve not been able to do any of that for two weeks, I’ve not been able to go out for a walk and I’ve had to be chauffeure­d about.

“I’ve had to go back to hospital to see if there are any breaks [of bones], and I’ve got to go back in another week’s time and then they will put me on physio.

“I’ve had to have a week off work too. I’m recovering slowly but surely.”

Nottingham­shire Police were called to the scene alongside an ambulance crew.

A spokespers­on for the force told the Post: “We were called to a road traffic collision. “There were no serious injuries. “An ambulance attended and a person with leg wounds went to hospital.”

A reader told the Post that the road was closed following the incident, with two police cars and an ambulance in attendance.

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 ??  ?? Adam Colley, 33, became wedged between two cars outside his Mansfield Woodhouse home.
Adam Colley, 33, became wedged between two cars outside his Mansfield Woodhouse home.

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