Nottingham Post

Finally it’s working out again for gym owner


- By MATT JARRAM @Mattjarram­1

A NOTTINGHAM gym owner who says he has lost “tens of thousands of pounds” through the pandemic is delighted to have been able to finally reopen his business.

Luke Willmott, who runs Castle Gym in the city centre, said he had also spent more than £20,000 to ensure the facility is Covid-secure.

He had watched his membership become depleted – from hundreds of members down to just 75 – and was worried about the future.

But he was overwhelme­d to see 60 people queuing to get inside his venue at 7.30am on Monday – the day gyms were officially allowed to reopen.

Mr Willmott hit headlines last year when Nottingham and Nottingham­shire were placed under strict Tier 3 restrictio­ns, which meant gyms, after a short time open, would close again.

He said he would defy rules and continue to trade to protect people’s mental health – but was stopped in his tracks when he saw four police cars outside his premises.

He now believes it was the right decision to stay closed and not defy the rules as coronaviru­s rates started to rise across the city. But Mr Willmott said that Monday marked the start of a new chapter in the gym’s future. He told the Post: “At 6.30am on Monday people were queuing outside and by about 7.30am we had 60 people through the door and our capacity is 65 at one time. “It has been such a struggle. “But Monday was the first time that everyone has a smile on their face and no-one is talking about the past. They are all looking forward.

“I am an underdog here. We are a small gym and just peasants in the pandemic.

“Tens of thousands of pounds we have lost and we had 75 members when we used to have hundreds, so we need to build that up.

“Not only are we seeing the same faces, we are also seeing so many new faces.

“Our oldest member is 86 and he has been down. It is good news and it is what we deserve.”

Joe Frazer, 18, who joined the gym just before the pandemic started, said: “It feels like the best thing ever.

“Everyone has been talking about the pubs but I was more excited about the gym.

“It feels like things are getting back to normal.

“It is the best therapy for your mental health – and it makes me feel more confident.”

Nikil Patel, 20, who has been attending the gym for the last two years, added: “I have suffered with my mental health. It is my retreat away from work and gives me a focus. It it just nice to see familiar faces that we have all missed through lockdown. It is a family here.”

Everyone has a smile on their face and no-one is talking about the past. They are all looking forward Luke Willmott

 ?? Owner Luke Willmott at Castle Gym ??
Owner Luke Willmott at Castle Gym

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