Nottingham Post

Driver and two passengers seriously injured after car went through red light and hit lorry


A DRIVER ignored a red light and ploughed into a lorry – causing serious injuries to himself and two passengers.

Leigh Johnson reached speeds of nearly double the limit, at around 54mph, when he drove through a red traffic light into the path of a lorry that was turning right from Hawton Lane on to Bowbridge Road in Newark.

The front of the car struck the rear offside of the articulate­d trailer.

All three inside the car were seriously injured as a result of the collision and had to be taken to hospital.

Johnson was driving without a licence or insurance in Newark on the evening of October 15, 2019, and suffered serious brain injuries.

One passenger, a 14-year-old boy, sustained a fractured jaw, which required a metal plate being fitted, a bleed on the brain and a swollen ankle.

Johnson, 33, of Yew Tree Road, in Retford, pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

At a hearing at Nottingham Crown Court on Wednesday, he was given a two-year suspended sentence and disqualifi­ed for driving for five years.

Investigat­ing officer Louise Melbourne, of Nottingham­shire Police, said: “On the night of the collision Johnson risked the lives of himself, his passengers and other road users by driving dangerousl­y along the streets of Newark.

“As police officers we see the aftermath of high speed road traffic collisions all too frequently – people seriously injured and even killed on our roads.

“We also witness the wider emotional impact on those injured and their families.

“A moment of madness on the roads can lead to long-term physical and psychologi­cal injuries to innocent people.

“There is also the devastatin­g impact on families of those that are injured or lose their life as a result of road traffic collisions.

“It’s important that we do everything we can to prevent this. That’s why officers focus every day on tackling the Fatal Four offences – speeding, drink and drug driving, mobile phone use and not wearing a seatbelt.

“There is simply no excuse for this kind of behaviour and I hope the young person injured in this collision makes a full recovery from his injuries.”

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