Nottingham Post

‘Deplorable’ violence on night out


- By Rebecca Sherdley @Becsherdle­y

A MAN who acted as peacemaker as violence flared in Nottingham city centre was attacked by his own friend and “beaten savagely”, a court heard.

The victim was awarded £2,000 compensati­on by a judge after hearing details of the “utterly despicable” attack after separate parties had a night out at Nottingham’s Rock City.

Cameron Demetriou, now 22 and from Mill Road, Newthorpe, had been celebratin­g his 21st in Nottingham on September 28, 2019.

The victim, who had known Demetriou for 14 years, had wished him a happy birthday, the court heard.

After leaving the club, Demetriou was involved in an affray where he was aggressive and then assaulted the victim with an unknown male.

The victim was left with blood coming down his face after suffering laceration­s across his head and around his left eye socket.

He had bruising to his face and a painful knee injury, as well as a large bump to the back of his head.

In a victim impact statement, he described not being able to work as a self-employed bricklayer and said the pain to his knee was “excruciati­ng”.

“He found it difficult to sleep,” explained Gareth Gimson, prosecutin­g at Nottingham Crown Court. “He says he simply should not have gone through all of this.”

In mitigation, Digby Johnson said: “This is absolutely deplorable behaviour by Cameron Demetriou.”

Recorder Michael Auty QC sentenced Demetriou to six months in prison for the affray and 12 months in prison consecutiv­ely for assault causing bodily harm. The 18-month sentence was suspended for two years.

He told Demetriou: “I hope that when you watched the video footage a few minutes ago, you were thoroughly ashamed of your behaviour that night.

“Mr Johnson described it as ‘absolutely deplorable.’

“The good people of Nottingham are sick to the back teeth of violence that takes place on the streets during the hours of darkness.

“It has an effect on all of us. It makes decent people frightened for their safety.”

He said what Demetriou did that night was “utterly despicable” and could easily have been fatal.

He said the victim was his friend and was “trying to stop you killing someone and was doing his best for you. And you, in drink, beat him savagely, and that on any view is wicked”.

The good people of Nottingham are sick to the back teeth of violence that takes place on the streets during the hours of darkness

Recorder Michael Auty QC

 ??  ?? The attack took place in Goldsmith Street
The attack took place in Goldsmith Street

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