Nottingham Post

People’s Postcode Lottery helps Keep Britain Tidy



Nobody wants to live in an area blighted by litter. That’s why Keep Britain Tidy works with people who want to make sure their local outside spaces are litter free, whether it’s parks, rivers, beaches or streets – and it receives support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery to help this great cause.

The past year has reminded us all of the importance of outdoor space. Being outdoors makes a huge difference to our physical and mental health, and throughout the pandemic we’ve all come to value places we can escape to, whether to exercise, play or just sit.

Research shows that parks and open spaces need to feel safe if we’re to be comfortabl­e using them. And to feel safe, they must be clean and tidy.

So this spring, why not join Keep Britain Tidy for the Great British Spring Clean and become a #litterhero by joining the #millionmil­emission to clear rubbish from our streets, parks and beaches.


Pledge some of your time between May 28 and June 13 to pick up litter in your local area. You can do so as an individual, or with your family group, bubble, or school. The website keepbritai­ has lots of useful informatio­n on what kit you need, how to dispose of the rubbish you’ve collected and how to keep safe.

Remember, when we look after the environmen­t, we’re also looking after ourselves.

Volunteeri­ng and being outdoors improves mental and physical wellbeing. Last year, 79 per cent of people who took the Great British Spring Clean reported improved mood, and 51 per cent said it encouraged them to be more active.

Picking up litter is only part of the work of Keep Britain working towards long-term change by educating children so that they can do a better job of protecting our environmen­t, both locally and globally, into the future.

The Eco-schools programme (supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery) benefits hundreds of thousands of children and young people by teaching them about their environmen­t and how they can make a difference.

To do your bit, sign up to help Keep Britain Tidy this spring. To find out more, visit keepbritai­ or pledge to be part of the Great British Spring Clean at keepbritai­ gbspringcl­ean.

When we look after the environmen­t, we’re also looking after ourselves: volunteeri­ng and being outside boosts our physical and mental wellbeing

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 ??  ?? TAKE YOUR PICK Get involved in the Great British Spring Clean and help beautify your neighbourh­ood
TAKE YOUR PICK Get involved in the Great British Spring Clean and help beautify your neighbourh­ood

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