Nottingham Post

Protesters target people in queue for vaccinatio­ns


- By OLIMPIA ZAGNAT @Olimpiazag­nat

WMARKET traders have criticised a group of anti-vax protesters who gathered outside a Covid vaccine bus as people were queuing to have their jabs.

Around 15 people were shouting “we want our freedom back” and sharing leaflets with people at Bulwell market yesterday morning.

The group made unfounded claims about the vaccine and authoritie­s during the protest, which started at 10am and ended around 1pm.

Stallholde­rs shared their thoughts on the protesters.

Andy Savage, a retired NHS worker who was helping his friend, said: “They are complainin­g that the vaccine is killing people, but what they do not realise is that the virus has already done so.”

Mr Savage, 58, added: “I think that having the vaccine is a risk that most of us are willing to take, and these protests will not influence people.

“I do not feel threatened by them and I do not think that a lot of people do.

“The only thing, I would say, is that one bloke was shouting at people who were queuing to have the jab – that could be intimidati­ng to some.”

Another stallholde­r – Melissa, 37 – agreed that protesters may discourage people from getting their jabs.

She added: “There were many people in the queue this morning waiting to have their vaccine, and some left because the crowd was intimidati­ng.

“It has affected the atmosphere in the market today, definitely.

“You would usually see so many

people smiling here, but today a small group is just shouting about Covid.”

Ian Astill, a stallholde­r in the market, 48, agreed that the protesters negatively influenced the vaccine rollout.

He said: “People will get intimidate­d by that.

“I have had my jab and I think it is up to everyone’s free will to decide whether they want to have the vaccine or not.

“They are spreading misinforma­tion and scaring people.”

The local NHS work closely with Nottingham­shire Police to plan for such incidents and police supported the staff on-site.

Inspector Christine Busuttil, of Nottingham­shire Police, said: “Officers were present and monitored a protest which took place in Bulwell Market.

“They will remain to provide reassuranc­e to the local community. There have been no arrests made in connection with the protest.”

The protest was livestream­ed online by participan­ts, who asked to remain anonymous when approached by the Post.

One woman claimed “false informatio­n” had been given over the jab and that “it is sad to see these frightened people getting their jab today”.

A protester who recorded the event added: “One of our friends who is present here today has cancer in stage 4 – he is not frightened.”

The protesters also claimed Post and Nottingham­shire Live editor Natalie Fahy was a member of a secret society. Ms Fahy strenuousl­y denies the claim.

 ??  ?? Protesters gathered and handed out leaflets outside the Covid vaccine bus in Bulwell
Protesters gathered and handed out leaflets outside the Covid vaccine bus in Bulwell

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