Nottingham Post

Are shops and buses making crisis worse?


ARE the shops and bus services contributi­ng to the spread of the latest coronaviru­s mutation by not implementi­ng the requiremen­t to wear a mask unless you have an exemption badge?

This morning I caught the 8.42am bus from my stop to find that 50 per cent of the passengers were not wearing a mask. It’s fine implementi­ng the regulation­s, but the bus services are saying, no mask or exemption, then you cannot board the vehicle.

I certainly will not be going into the city in the near future, even if it’s desperate, as I can obtain a majority of the products and goods online or locally. Shops and business may grumble, but, apart from sanitiser dispensers, not a lot have done anything to protect their customers and give confidence that measures are in hand to supply what others consider as a good retail therapy experience.

As Mark Iles and others have said, it’s not rocket science or demeaning to wear a simple mask to protect themselves and others, but from my experience of my visit into the city, we have a long way to go to educate those who show such blatant ignorance and disrespect in failing to follow such a simple task.

I suspect it will be these ignorant, and may I say stupid, people who will be shouting the loudest when further restrictio­ns have to be implemente­d.

Let’s start kicking butt with those on social media who want their subscriber­s to contravene the current regulation­s in the vain attempt to improve their rating or subscriber numbers.

We see and hear of people suffering or grieving as a result of the virus, but how many of them have failed to follow the advice until it affected them?

How many through their ignorance may be giving their loved ones the virus without knowing, as they ignore once again the advice to wear a mask on the bus and in the shops?

Tony Morris Carlton

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