Nottingham Post

Family’s Tower of thanks!

- By ELLIE DANEMANN @Elliedanem­ann1

A FAMILY from Keyworth have shared the heartbreak­ing story of their financial struggles after losing their jobs and struggling on the brink of destitutio­n.

Now, with the help of a Nottingham charity, they hope they can get back on the right track.

And they’re so grateful they’re going to project their thanks from London’s BT Tower.

Lauren, 33, and Jamie Selby, 36, have three children and were forced to get help from Home-start Nottingham when they both lost their jobs.

Mrs Selby, who volunteers at Rushcliffe Children’s Centre by doing breastfeed support work, became disabled in March and was made redundant from her job as a scientist.

Her friends recommende­d Home-start Nottingham as a source of help.

With Lauren being made redundant and Jamie losing his job as well, they were left with no income and suddenly found themselves needing food bank donations.

Lauren said: “We had our son Tobias and life was very comfortabl­e.

“Then a whole chain of events happened in quick succession, leaving us in a very different situation to the one we were in two years ago.

“My sister-in-law died. To help out, we looked after her children as our own, giving my brother-inlaw space and time to grieve. Her death hit my husband Jamie hard.

“Our son’s school heard about what had happened to Jamie and dropped off some food vouchers. Usually we were the ones giving things. I’d never been on the receiving end before.

“We were deeply touched by the help we received, but it was hard to accept the position we were in. I’m coeliac and would typically buy everything gluten-free. Our baby daughter has a milk intoleranc­e, and requires an expensive dairyfree milk. Since we were reliant on food banks, I’d frequently get ill.”

She explained the impact Homestart has had on their family.

She added: “When Home-start arrived one day with a bag of gluten-free food and the special dairy-free milk for my daughter I could have cried. I can’t even remember talking about our food allergies. It really showed how attentive they are.

“They help us so much – they’ve really relieved the pressure.”

Margaret, the family’s Homestart volunteer, visits every Tuesday – she helps with the school run and keeping the kids entertaine­d.

Mrs Selby added: “We don’t have much family support, but Margaret helps fill some of that gap.

“Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve had a number of setbacks, but we are determined to get back on our feet.

“Death, financial instabilit­y, mental health issues – my family has been affected by them all in quite a short space of time, but we are still together and we are determined to use these setbacks to help others.”

Tobias, 6, wants to thank Homestart volunteers for all the invaluable aid they’ve given to the family combating tough times.

He said: “I read books to her and she listens.

“I get excited when she comes round.

“I’m really excited about the message but a tiny bit nervous.”

His message is: “We love our volunteer” and is being displayed with 11 other thank you messages on the 190-metre-high BT Tower from 9am to 5pm today.

Mrs Selby said: “It’s really exciting knowing Tobias’s message will be lighting up the BT Tower in the days leading up to Christmas.

“Home-start really made a difference to us, so if we can help raise awareness about their amazing volunteers, then that will be brilliant.”

Peter Grigg, chief executive of Home-start UK, said: “It’s been a hard year for everyone, so this Christmas, Home-start wants to not only thank our volunteers who were there for our families when things got tough, but also to encourage people to make nice things happen for others this festive season.

“What better way to get this across than in giant letters on one of the most iconic landmarks in the capital and through the eyes of children.

“We are absolutely delighted that our corporate partner BT has been able to help us share the real meaning of Christmas: simple pleasures, support, friendship and kindness.”

 ?? ?? Lauren, Jaxon and Tobias Selby. Inset above: The BT Tower. Inset right: The Selby family
Lauren, Jaxon and Tobias Selby. Inset above: The BT Tower. Inset right: The Selby family

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