Nottingham Post

PM denies imposing ‘lockdown by stealth’


BORIS Johnson has denied imposing a “lockdown by stealth” amid allegation­s that medical advisers are “running the show” on Covid policy.

The Prime Minister urged people to be “cautious” about their activities during the festive period, but said the Government does not “want to make your choices for you about your social life”.

He made the comments during a visit to the Saga vaccinatio­n centre in Ramsgate, Kent, as England’s chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty faced questions from the Commons Health and Social Care Committee.

It came as the booster programme continued to pick up pace, with data from the UK’S four health agencies showing a record 745,183 booster and third doses of Covid-19 vaccine were reported across the country on Wednesday, surpassing Tuesday’s tally.

Prof Whitty told the public at a Downing Street press conference on Wednesday to prioritise events that “really matter to them” over the festive period, in an effort to curb the spread of the Omicron variant.

But Mr Johnson stopped short of matching the warning, instead urging people to “think carefully” before attending celebratio­ns.

Speaking in the Commons on Thursday, Conservati­ve MP for Winchester Steve Brine said: “At a stroke the chief medical officer changed Government policy and put this country, certainly hospitalit­y... into effective lockdown.

“Can I ask – yes or no – is what Professor Whitty said last night now the policy of this Government? That we should socialise carefully? What, in practical legal terms, does that mean?

“And on support, because advisers are now running the show – I bet none of them run a business facing complete ruin as a result of what was said last night – the Treasury is going to have to do more, because otherwise we risk ruining and wasting the amazing support that Her Majesty’s Treasury gave last year.”

Greg Parmley, chief executive of industry body Live, said: “The current lockdown by stealth is quickly pushing the live music sector to the edge.”

Prof Whitty told the Health and Social Care Committee on Thursday that he did not wish to dictate to people what they can and cannot do.

But he added: “This is about saying to people, look, this is a period to prioritise. And also to be clear, (this) was a message the Prime Minister also said last night.”

During his visit to Kent, Mr Johnson denied he was imposing a lockdown by stealth, adding that the situation was “very different” from last year.

“What we have is the additional protection of the vaccines, and the ability to test,” he said.

“So if you want to do something, if you want to go to an event or a party, then the sensible thing to do, if that’s a priority, the sensible thing to do is to get a test and to make sure that you’re being cautious.

“We’re not saying we want to cancel stuff, we’re not locking stuff down, and the fastest route back to normality is to get boosted.”

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