Nottingham Post

Pedestrian­isation ‘not the answer’


- By KEIMAE BLAKE @ceann_keimae

PEOPLE in West Bridgford are concerned about speeding but don’t think the area should become more pedestrian­ised to tackle the problem.

They were voicing their opinions after police conducted a stop and search on speeding drivers as part of an operation to tackle anti-social behaviour, drugs and other issues.

Rushcliffe Borough Council is currently looking into areas of pedestrian­isation through a feasibilit­y study.

Retiree Mark Ryan, 63, who used to live in West Bridgford before moving to Carlton, said he welcomed plans to lower the speed limit.

he said: “Personally, it always has been fast. 20mph would be sensible, but I’ve never found the speeding too bad.

“Around here, you do see the police a lot, but they could do with more police presence in other areas.”

Elle Jones, 34, a waitress who lives near West Bridgford, added: “I don’t think pedestrian­isng the area is the answer and I’m unsure about how speeding would be tackled apart from reducing the speed limit or possibly more cameras.

“Anti-social behaviour is an issue but I don’t think more police is the answer, there’s other areas in Nottingham by far that need more police, not here.”

Mykola Anderson, 64, works in a supermarke­t in The Meadows and often walks through West Bridgford.

He said he thinks something needs to be done to prevent accidents.

“Somewhere down the line, it’s got to be slower,” he said.

“They whizz through the roundabout near Davies Road and it doesn’t bother me too much, but to stop them whizzing round the corner near zebra crossings would be nice because sometimes you don’t know if you should stop or not.” Rushcliffe Borough Council says its cabinet has agreed to part fund a feasibilit­y study with Nottingham­shire County Council for exploring how best to improve the accessibil­ity of Central Avenue at a meeting in September.

“This would build on a survey completed by Central West Bridgford Community Associatio­n that showed positive support for ideas such as some form of pedestrian­isation,” said a spokesman. “The council’s West Bridgford Growth Board meetings to date and previous work with the West Bridgford commission­ers has referenced a desire to create a pedestrian based heart for the town centre and there is a consensus of support from local businesses for its potential. “Any feasibilit­y study would need to assess the whole accessibil­ity issue for the area including public transport and disability access and if positive, could lead to a capital project being developed.”

I don’t think more police is the answer, there’s other areas in Nottingham by far that need more police

Elle Jones

 ?? ?? The busy junction of Davies Road and Radcliffe Road in West Bridgford
The busy junction of Davies Road and Radcliffe Road in West Bridgford

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