


These immaculate Les Leston fireproof overalls belonged to Donald. ‘They’re so petite, aren’t they?’ says Kate, adding that their neatness showed one of the contrasts between Donald and Geoff. ‘Pop and dad were very different characters. Dad was unkempt, messy and smoked a pipe. He was the kindest “gentle” man you could ever meet. Bloody-minded and stubborn as hell, but very, very special.’

Kate thinks the constant aura of pipe smoke was a form of protection to create space for an ultimately rather shy man. At 14, Geoff lost his front teeth after being struck by a model aircraft, and he didn’t wear false teeth until well into his teens: ‘You can imagine how that might affect you.’ Kate thinks his moustache was also part of this armoury. She’s keen to namecheck her uncles Bic and John, and grandma Ivy, too: ‘They usually don’t get a mention, but Pop wouldn’t have achieved what he did without their support.’

Her father’s meticulous, backroom skills complement­ed rather than competed against Donald’s extrovert, self-confident personalit­y. ‘Pop could rely on my dad 100%. Dad adored his father and would have done anything for him, so they worked well together. And Dad let Pop have the limelight, because he didn’t want it.

‘When Pop turned up, he was always smart and dapper, dressed in exquisite suits, very energetic and smelling of aftershave. There were always huge expectatio­ns when he visited, and he’d be up early, buzzing round, expecting everyone else to do the same. His breakfast had to be half a grapefruit, a cup of tea in bone china, toast and marmalade. The toast had to be a certain temperatur­e.’

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