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Bellissimo! That’s a good way to describe not just Strictly star Graziano Di Prima and his fiancée Giada Lini, but the stunning shoot they posed for in Sicily, exclusivel­y for us. If ever something made you want to pack your bags and get on a plane, those pictures are it! I’ve always loved Italy. In fact, I often get asked when I’m on holiday if I’m Italian – must be the very dark hair (which isn’t dyed, by the way!)

Talking of hair, I’m loving Prince George’s blonde locks. In new pictures, taken by the Duchess of Cambridge to celebrate his seventh birthday, he’s also sporting a very cute gaptoothed grin and a trendy T-shirt from high street store Mango. Much better than the Peter Pan collar shirts he used to wear. Mind you, his mother is a style icon so I’d expect nothing less. Apparently, George is becoming a fine young man, popular, kind and a talented footballer. His parents, it seems, don’t want him growing up with an inflated sense of his own importance and are keen to ensure he doesn’t get special treatment like William did as a boy. Can you believe word has it that when he and Harry went for tea with the Queen Mother, William got first choice of the sandwiches and cakes just because he’s heir to the throne? See, there’s a good reason to be the oldest child in every family!

And while we’re on the subject of families, Vanessa Feltz has just been reunited with hers. (Her daughters and grandchild­ren moved to Ireland for lockdown.) Four months apart might not seem that long to you and me, but let me tell you, to a Jewish grandma like Vanessa, it’s the equivalent of four years!

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