OK! (UK)



ISSUE 483 – AUGUST 23 2005

Scott Mitchell recently revealed that his wife Dame Barbara Windsor, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, may soon have to move into a care home. The actress, who is now 82, has been cared for by her husband since her diagnosis in 2014.

OK! has followed Barbara’s life and career, and was there to celebrate when she returned to Eastenders in 2005 to resume her role as the iconic Peggy Mitchell. She had taken two years off after suffering with the debilitati­ng Epstein-barr virus which had left her bedridden. It was again Scott, who she married in 2000, who took care of her. “I don’t want to say anything bad about my last two husbands but I can’t imagine them coping when I got ill,” she admitted. “I never thought Scott would have to look after me like that until I was much older.”

Friends of the star initially had their doubts over their relationsh­ip as Scott is 26 years younger than her, but their happiness proved everybody wrong. “My friends admitted they were wrong. There were some people who always wanted me to be a single lady, because I was a laugh,” she said. “They resented how I really felt about Scott.” Barbara was never in doubt about her feelings, however, and sweetly said that she knew early on that “we were meant to be together”.

Returning to Albert Square was extra special as her on-screen sons, Grant and Phil Mitchell, played by Ross Kemp – who recently fronted a documentar­y about dementia inspired by Barbara – and Steve Mcfadden, were also returning. “All three of us bonded – I hate to say it, but I suppose I am a bit like their mother,” Barbara said.

When asked if she’d do anything differentl­y in life, the Carry On... favourite showed that she is a glass half full person. “Regarding my career, I think you need the flops to make the hits so great,” she mused. “Without mentioning any names, there are a couple of relationsh­ips that I could have done without. But I’m quite a positive person and I think everything happens for a reason.”

 ??  ?? The everglamor­ous Dame Barbara
The everglamor­ous Dame Barbara
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