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Clarion call backs our Age UK base


LINE Dancing, tea dances and exercise sessions are all part of Age UK’s work – but a local centre is looking for further fundrasisi­ng support from local people

Staff at Age UK Lancashire’s popular Wellbeing Centre in Ormskirk want to ensure the centre’s visitors are able to continue to benefit from the variety of fun activities that take place there each week.

The centre hosts activities which include computer classes, tea dances and exercise sessions and line dancing among others, and is very popular amongst the older population in the area.

David Ward from Age UK Lancashire says: “The centre here in Ormskirk really is a fantastic place for people to come along and look forward to weekly activities.

“It’s a real hub of the community and not only do we have regular activities, but this centre also hosts special events throughout the year which everyone can enjoy”.

Age UK Lancashire is appealing to local people to come forward and donate what they can to support the continued success of the centre.

Mr Ward added: “Recently Councillor Adrian Owens has come forward to offer his support by pledging to match-fund up to £300 for this appeal.

“Adrian has always been a loyal supporter of our work and the centre and has previously made personal donations to us.

“We thought this time we would try to make more impact by getting the local community involved and fundraise for us too.”

The team at the centre will be looking at special events and raffles over the coming months to generate as many donations as possible, which the charity will use to benefit the centre and its users.

Cllr Owens said: “The Wellbeing Centre provides hugely valuable services for older people in Ormskirk and the wider area.

“Yet the borough council suddenly stopped its grant to the centre a couple of years ago, and if we want the centre to survive and thrive, then as a community we need to support it. That’s why I continue to look to ways I can help.”

A webpage has been set up at www.wonderful.org for people to make online donations directly to Age UK Lancashire, simply by registerin­g and selecting the charity.

The centre also supports people living with dementia and their carers through the Dementia Community Links project.

Clients within this project are encouraged to attend activities at the centre and benefit from a variety of support and informatio­n available.

Whilst the future of the centre isn’t currently in doubt Age UK Lancashire are keen to ensure they are able to continue to provide the vital services by involving the local community and working together to maintain and continue its activities.

Anyone wishing to support this appeal can visit www.wonderful.org to make an online donation or visit the centre and collect a donations form.

There will also be some raffles and events coming up which people are encourage to get involved with to show their support.

For more informatio­n on the service Age UK Lancashire provide, call: 0300 303 1234.

 ?? Cllr Adrian Owens, who is pledging to match-fund £300, with the centre’s Donna Studholme ??
Cllr Adrian Owens, who is pledging to match-fund £300, with the centre’s Donna Studholme
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