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Residents: End our student parking nightmare


PARKING problems caused by students at Edge Hill University in Ormskirk have reached new heights, according to local residents.

Our West Lancs (OWL) councillor Ian Davis said that, while double yellow lines are in the process of being painted to help solve the issue, the best solution would be to build a park and ride.

He said: “This horrible parking situation is worse this year than it’s ever been.

“It’s been an issue for a number of years, there’s three main areas where the problems are.

“There’s the back of Ruff Wood, where we managed to get some yellow lines which we’re hoping will be put down very soon, but it’s taken us 12 months to achieve that.

“You’ve got round Alty’s Lane round the back of the cricket club which is horrendous this time, all the cars parked on the pavement.

“People can’t get past with the prams, the kids can’t get round on their bikes to go to school.

“Yesterday afternoon, on Vicarage Lane, the bin wagon struggled to get through.”

Cllr Davis was speaking on Friday morning after receiving an email from a St Helens Road resident to say that cars were parked on the pavement all the way along the road.

The email said: “This is the first year I can remember that there’s systematic parking on pavements outside our houses.

“In previous years it’s certainly been a feature further down towards the university, just now it is impossible to walk along the pavement down the road into Ormskirk as the pavement is blocked by cars.

“I’ve had to walk on the road several times with cars rushing by me at speed, which I am very uncomforta­ble about.”

Cllr Davis said: “This is the sort of reaction we’re getting from people, they’re getting quite worked up about it.

“What happens, as we understand, is that the university has other courses for medical students and in the early weeks of the years they come into the university and then they are sent out on placement.

“So, the volume of cars after the first few weeks does reduce, but it’s by no means good.

“But it’s appalling at the moment, people are really getting wound up about it.

“I think the campus is full, what we’re trying to do as a party is get them to go out to the motorway and buy some land there and create a park and ride.”

Residents as far as Bickerstaf­fe are being affected by the problem, which Cllr Davis described as “unbelievab­le”, and blamed rising tuition fees for forcing students to live at home instead of pay rent at student accommodat­ion.

“We’ve heard from residents of Bickerstaf­fe that it’s taking them 40 minutes to get into Ormskirk because the roads are that jammed with cars.

“The other thing now is that now the fees have gone up to £9,000 there’s more students coming in by car instead of staying. It’s an horrendous situation.

“As soon as one group clears off, there’s another group comes in and parks; it’s an unbelievab­le situation.”

While commending police for the work they are doing to resolve the situation, Cllr Davis said that they were facing an uphill task.

“The police are dealing with it but I think it’s overwhelmi­ng them personally, I think it’s a massive problem.

“They’re, of course, limited by the number of officers they have.

“It’s causing stress for people and somebody’s going to get hurt. If somebody is taken ill, the ambulance can’t get through, there’s people worried about their kids going to school because they’re being forced into the road, people with prams can’t get the prams down the pavement.

“Other university towns in the country seem to have park and rides. Most of the ones I’ve been to throughout the years do.

“It’s not a complete answer, but it will certainly ease it.”

An Edge Hill spokesman said: “The demand for parking on campus fluctuates as a result of attendance patterns and the core events planned on campus at any one time.

“In particular, the start of each academic term is particular­ly challengin­g.

“We do not charge for any of our car parking and operate a permit system to help those travelling the farthest distance, or who have the greatest need to park on our campus, to do so.

“As well as encouragin­g all campus users to choose alternativ­e modes of transport whenever possible, which includes public transport and our car share scheme, we are always considerin­g new options to alleviate the pressure on car parking on campus at the start of the academic year.

“We also recommend that the local councilown­ed parking facilities are used if necessary, and say to any campus users who choose to park legally on the public highway that they should do so safely and considerat­ely in accordance with the Highway Code and any local parking restrictio­ns – paying particular care and attention in local residentia­l areas.”

Edge Hill student and Ormskirk resident David Hughes said: “I see both sides and I genuinely don’t think it’s the students’ fault. It is extremely difficult to get a parking space on campus and while it isn’t ideal, they have to find parking elsewhere.

“Residents were the first to complain when a multistore­y car park was rumoured, and then complain when they have to park elsewhere.

“The uni should buy one of the fields out by the M58, turn it into a car park and ship people in by bus every day.”

Former student Jane Moore added: “People should try walking, cycling or using public transport, some people (not all) are too lazy to be considerat­e to others, parking in ridiculous places!

“I have been both a resident and student; I walked to uni every day.

“I think the parking is only one of many issues.”

 ?? One of the Ormskirk streets plagued by pavement parking; Cllr Ian Davis, inset, believes Edge Hill University should invest in a park and ride facility ??
One of the Ormskirk streets plagued by pavement parking; Cllr Ian Davis, inset, believes Edge Hill University should invest in a park and ride facility
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