Outdoor Swimmer

The Rivers Trust


It’s been a busy start to the year for The Rivers Trust team pulling together the State of Our Rivers report for launch in the last week of February. If the media coverage around water quality has raised your curiosity and you want to read the real story behind all the hype, then this report is the place to go.

The main narrative is easy to get immersed in, as if you were getting the informatio­n from a mate down the pub, but driven by hard science rather than a few pints. If you have a more scientific mind and you want to dive deep into the detail, there are interactiv­e maps for you to interrogat­e the data and find out more about what is going on in our rivers.

The report shows clearly what is remarkable about our rivers, the challenges and threats that are putting them under so much pressure, and the solutions that we need to work on to get them back into a healthy condition.

This is particular­ly true for us as swimmers, but also to society and our economy as a whole as we face an uncertain climate future and our natural world continues to decline.

We have expanded the coverage in our report this year, bringing the current evidence together across England, Northern Ireland and Ireland, as well as links across to data in Scotland and Wales.

The desperate state of our rivers has been high up the political agenda and now is the time to keep the pressure on and ensure the issue remains high in the politician­s’ minds as they launch their election campaigns.

Our report has all the informatio­n you need to challenge your local candidate on how they will work to improve your waterways. There is even a handy link to help you identify your local MP with a ready-made email for you to tell them how important your waterways are to you.

You can find the State of Our Rivers report on our website now: theriverst­rust.org

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