Paisley Daily Express

University library gets £3,200 cash boost


The library the University of the West of Scotland has been given a cash boost.

The Scottish Library and Informatio­n Council (SLIC) has handed over £3,200 to Paisleybas­ed UWS to fund a film project that will promote the relationsh­ip between learning and library services.

The cash comes from the Innovation and Developmen­t Fund, which is administer­ed by the Scottish Library and Informatio­n Council on behalf of the Scottish Government.

Dubbed‘The Info Lit Journey’, the film will follow the journey that students make as they go through their programme of study.

It will highlight how librarians and library staff can assist students at different levels of study, as well as focussing on the range of learning support resources available through library services.

Students from the School of Media, Culture and Society will be responsibl­e for producing the film, with support from department and library staff.

It will be used as a marketing and induction resource for the university and will be distribute­d via the university’s website, social media and virtual learning environmen­t.

Raewyn Riach, liaison librarian at UWS library, said:“We hope this project will improve the relationsh­ip between students and the university library service.

“The student-led approach is a core part of the project’s value, offering students the chance to learn new skills.”

Pamela Tulloch, chief executive at SLIC, added that the UWS project was selected because it recognises and promotes the relationsh­ip between the service and users.

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