Paisley Daily Express

Use your vote well, urges bishop


The Roman Catholic Bishop of Paisley has urged people to take part in the forthcomin­g General Election.

Rt Rev John Keenan joined fellow senior clergymen in penning a pastoral letter that will be read out at churches in the town this weekend.

The letter says society “will be judged on how it treats its poorest and most vulnerable citizens”.

And in an indirect call to the Roman Catholic faithful to carefully consider politician­s’ personal beliefs when voting, it adds: “Any laws which permit the wilful ending of life must always be rejected as reprehensi­ble and unjust.”

And it goes on to “remind our politician­s t hat abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia are always morally unacceptab­le”.

The letter will also say: “The wellbeing of society depends on the flourishin­g and health of family life and those in authority should respond to this with policies that create economic and other advantages for families with children.”

It lists human life, marriage, family, poverty, asylum and religious freedom as key areas.

The message from all of Scotland’s bishops asks voters to make sure that their candidates are “committed to the right of people not to be forced to act against their conscience.”

It also notes that “poverty continues to be a scourge for many at home and abroad, while too many people still struggle to make ends meet.”

The letter concludes: “Our nation, our parliament, and our government will be judged on how it treats its poorest and most vulnerable citizens.”

Anthony Horan, Director of the Catholic Parliament­ary Office, said: “This General election provides an opportunit­y for Catholics to take their beliefs into the polling station and elect members of parliament who share their concerns.”

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Letter Bishop Keenan

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