Paisley Daily Express

I’ll step up to beat my bad habits


With my six month graded unit just submitted, I didn’t have much time to think about health and fitness this week.

I did find the time to do my first ‘proper shop’ in a while.

It was quite a relief to fill the trolley with fruit, vegetables and healthy cuts of meat.

I’ve been living off junk food while my workload was heavy.

It got me thinking about self-care and I learned a valuable lesson about my weight and food struggles – at times of high pressure, looking after yourself goes out the window.

We resort to bad habits. Some forget to eat. Others, like me, favour the grab and go option which is often not just unhealthy, but downright bad for us.

If you are in the lucky position of having someone around who can help you avoid these pitfalls please reach out them.

Get them to stock your cupboards with healthy stuff and make you a nutritious meal.

We don’t exercise enough and we don’t get out into the fresh air.

This was something that has never really been part of my life until I started my Fit for 40 journey.

I’ve really missed my walks these and I can’t wait to get back into the fresh air again.

One day when I was studying, I was so fed up sitting that I got up with my book and walked in circles as I read it.

It was almost a subconscio­us thing,

My body just wanted to move.

I found the courage to stand on the scales.

My weight gain is half a stone.

Next week, I know I’ll be reporting, not only a loss, but a new personal best of 6K in my distance walked.

Watch this space.

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