Paisley Daily Express



announced by the end of the year.

Hull is the current City of Culture and its programme includes 365 days of cultural events spread across the year.

Its win has brought a £1bn boost to the local economy since its campaign began four years ago.

The City of Culture 2021 will also have access to a £3m Heritage Lottery Fund grant.

City chiefs say nine out of 10 locals have taken part in Hull 2017 celebratio­ns.

Paisley 2021 bid director Jean Cameron says Paisley can follow in the footsteps of the winner and DerryLondo­nderry, which bagged the title for Northern Ireland four years ago.

She said: “A huge number of people worked so hard to get us to this stage and we want to thank every one of them, from Paisley Buddies to our friends across Scotland, the UK and further afield.

“There’s never been a Scottish winner and we would be thrilled to be the first.

“We are now the country’s entry and would love to see the whole country get behind us.

“The work to date has already been really positive for Paisley – it has taken awareness of our internatio­nallysigni­ficant story to a new level and changed perception­s of the town.

“It has also brought a new sense of self-confidence to residents and shown them how the power of culture can be harnessed to change people’s lives for the better.”

Hull has staged almost 500 cultural events since its reign began this year, attracting one and a half million visitors.

 ??  ?? Play it again A tune for Paisley
Play it again A tune for Paisley

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