Paisley Daily Express

Knives horror is in the spotlight at school


Renfrewshi­re school children will have their perception­s on knives challenged by a hardhittin­g play.

The Balisong – another name for a butterfly knife – is a No Knives, Better Lives initiative, written by Jennifer Adam, and developed in collaborat­ion with young people.

In the play, three teenagers discuss the circumstan­ces leading to an incident where their friend stabs someone – and whether they could have done more to stop it.

Justice Secretary Michael Matheson, who has watched the play, said: “While I was struck by the effectiven­ess of drama in conveying this important message, I was equally struck by the conversati­ons that took place among pupils immediatel­y afterwards.

“Some young people previously indicated they would not tell anyone if someone they knew was in possession of a knife.

“What I witnessed, and what I’m told is taking place in other schools, is the instant behaviour change The Balisong delivers.”

The play is expected to be performed at 64 schools across the country, reaching more than 12,000 pupils.

The series began at the end of September and will run for the next few months.

No Knives, Better Lives is a youth engagement programme that aims to reduce the incidence of violence and knife carrying among young people.

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