Paisley Daily Express

Paisley bishop speaks out on abortion


A senior Paisley churchman discussed abortion with MPs during the launch of a major new report at the House of Commons.

The Rt Rev John Keenan, Roman Catholic Bishop of Paisley, was giving an address on the occasion of the publicatio­n by the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children of its‘Abortion and Women’s Health’report.

Key findings from the academic review include women are more likely to die from any cause after abortion versus giving birth; suicide is around six times greater after abortion than after childbirth; and abortion is associated with significan­tly higher death rates for women up to 10 years after an abortion, compared with women who gave birth.

The Bishop said:“Essentiall­y, I suggested this report is a turning point.

“It lets the debate focus on real women who are telling us of their harm from abortion.

“It moves us on from political positions to researched evidence.“It focuses us on helping women rather than winning arguments, is about helping rather than philosophi­sing and is about creating consensus around action rather than opposition over ideas.

“It says we may not all be able to do the same thing but can all do our own bit to help.”

He added:“This is not about winning arguments, but real help, to real women.”

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