Paisley Daily Express

Thrushcrai­gs House was a disaster just waiting to happen


A group of Paisley parents claimed the burnt-out shell of a house had become a death trap for their children.

And the Charleston Associatio­n of Parents wanted Thrushcrai­gs House in Rowan Street bulldozed, we reported in May 1982.

John Brennan, associatio­n chairman, said: “The house is virtually a death trap.

“It should either be restored or, preferably, demolished before a child is killed.

“Children are playing in that place during the school holidays and at weekends.

“They climb up the chimneys, which are in danger of collapsing at any time.”

Mr Brennan, who was SNP regional candidate for Paisley’s Central Ward, added: “So far, there have been no serious accidents.

“But a number of children have been hurt playing there.”

One was a nine-year-old from Thrushcrai­gs Crescent.

Her mother Margaret said: “I have told her she is to go nowhere near that place.

“A number of my friends have told their children the same.

“It looks as if something drastic will need to happen before they do anything.”

However, it was not just local kids who were using the house as an adventure playground.

Children from Hunterhill, Glenburn and other areas in the south end could see the place when they pass and decide to investigat­e.

 ??  ?? Burnt out The shell of Thrushcrai­gs House
Burnt out The shell of Thrushcrai­gs House

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