Paisley Daily Express

Malicious 999 caller due to be sentenced


A man is facing jail after he admitted phoning 999 to threaten police officers – then choking an officer.

Alexander Peacock, of Rufflees Avenue, Barrhead, called 999 on March 11 and made threatenin­g remarks, shouted and swore and acted aggressive­ly towards police officers during the call.

He then went on to assault Constable Derrick McCracken while he was on duty by placing his hands around the officer’s neck at Peacock’s home.

Peacock admitted his guilt over the offences at Paisley Sheriff Court.

He pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive way, by making the call, and assaulting PC McCracken while he was on duty.

Two other charges – that he had assaulted another officer by attempting to punch him and had resisted three officers by kicking out at them and struggling violently with them – were dropped by prosecutor­s.

The facts of the case were not narrated in court and Sheriff Kevin Duffy adjourned the case for background reports to be prepared ahead of sentencing.

As he did so, he said: “In view of the offences you’ve committed and your previous conviction­s you do have the case will be adjourned for a Criminal Justice Social Work Report to be prepared.”

Peacock will learn his fate next month.

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