Paisley Daily Express

Jurors urged to convict Alyson’s killer of murder


Jurors were yesterday urged to convict a former soldier of murdering his ex-girlfriend.

Gary Brown, 55, killed charity worker Alyson Watt by stabbing her 42 times at her home.

He admits knifing her, but denies murder – insisting he was suffering an “abnormalit­y of the mind” at the time.

The ex-squaddie has been standing trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

Prosecutor Michael Meehan told the jury in his closing speech that Brown’s evidence in his defence was “self serving” and “unreliable”.

He said: “What he said in the witness box is how he wants you and others to see him.

“But, when you drill down into the evidence, the reality is very different from the image.

“He killed Alyson Watt – his responsibi­lity was not diminished.

“The appropriat­e verdict is guilty of murder.”

Brown repeatedly stabbed Alyson at her home in Penilee Road, Paisley, last June.

He is also accused of attempting to murder a 16- year- old boy with a hammer.

Brown claims he cannot remember the frenzy.

A neighbour rushed to dying Alyson after she was able to raise a bloodied had to a window.

Defence advocate Brian McConnachi­e told jurors his client would not “walk free” or be “innocent” of the killing.

He said insisted Brown should be convicted of the lesser charge of culpable homicide on the grounds of diminished responsibi­lity.

The advocate described the violence as “senseless savagery”.

He added the case could not be decided on “emotion” and must be on the “evidence”.

Brown met Alyson through a dating website three years ago.

The court heard the pair had suffered problems in their relationsh­ip amid claims she kissed another man during a night out.

Judge Lord Summers is expected to give his legal directions on Monday before the jury is sent out to consider a verdict.

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