Paisley Daily Express

Mario set to hang up his chip basket


Chip shop boss Mario Piericcini was soon to be going on the batter for the last time.

He was selling up his town-centre business, which had been in the family for almost 80 years, we reported in June 1988.

And the end of an era was fast approachin­g as he prepared to fry up his last supper.

The new owner was expected to transform the inside of the traditiona­l-style Central chippy in Johnston Street, which Mario ran with his wife Constanza.

All that would be left for Paisley’s fish supper lovers would be fond memories as another of the town’s institutio­ns died a sad death.

Mario said: “I have enjoyed the work here very much and there couldn’t be better folk than the people of Paisley.

“I’d like to thank them and all my customers over the years.”

The shop was opened in 1909 by Mario’s father Giuseppe who ran the business with his wife Fausta after emigrating from Tuscany, in Italy. At one time, the family had three chippies. Mario began working in the family shop, which once stood on the site of the Salvation Army Citadel, in Mill Street, and then moved to the second shop in Wellmeadow Street.

It was later adapted into the Bar Point pub, run by his son Piero.

Mario moved to the Johnston Street shop in the early 1950s when his father returned to Italy because of ill health.

He remained there for the rest of his working days.

 ??  ?? Mario Piericcini Time to serve last supper
Mario Piericcini Time to serve last supper

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